A Closer Look at Supporting Israel

Source: A Closer Look at Supporting Israel

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time we dive into the world of supporting Israel. Now, before you jump to conclusions, let me make something abundantly clear – I don’t have an ounce of objection to people showing their support for Israel. In this free world, everyone has the right to express their opinions.

However, what truly troubles me is the reasoning behind such support, or rather the lack thereof. It seems that instead of basing their stance on justice or fairness, many supporters shamelessly cite religious reasons. They unabashedly claim that Israel has been granted a “God-given right” to kill, oppress, and destroy. Well, buckle up, my friends, because we’re about to take this bumpy ride through the world of faith-driven rationalization.

Now, I find it absolutely astounding how swiftly people can invoke religion to legitimize all sorts of actions. It’s as if the mere mention of God’s name absolves individuals of any responsibility for their deeds. But let’s take a moment to question this claim of a “God-given right.” When did the Christians’ supreme being become a celestial real estate agent? Last time I checked, God wasn’t roaming around, dishing out personalized land title deeds. So, forgive me if I raise an eyebrow at those who conveniently wave this divine card to justify their fervent support.

Allow me to clarify one thing right off the bat – I’m not here to dismiss anyone’s faith or belief system. We all have the right to cling to that which gives our lives meaning. But, my fellow truth-seekers, when those beliefs become the foundation for violence and injustice, it’s time to pause and reassess our moral compass.

If we strip away the religious rhetoric, what are we left with? A nation embroiled in conflicts, eroding the lives of innocent people, and perpetuating an endless cycle of violence. Can we honestly attribute this to a divine right? No. Such dire circumstances stem from all-too-human qualities like ego, greed, and an insatiable thirst for power.

Picture this, if you will: two individuals locked in a fierce debate. One fervently asserts that his faith grants him the right to harm others, while the other presents rational arguments based on human rights and equality. Now, which side should we lean towards? Who possesses more substance, more reason? You guessed it – logic and reason beat blind faith any day.

It’s crucial, dear readers, to remove the veil of religious fervor and scrutinize the facts, the tangible consequences, and the lives being shattered. By supporting Israel, we mustn’t fall into the trap of relying solely on religious claims as the moral compass for our stance.

Question everything – that’s a principle we should all strive to embrace. Just because a belief is deeply rooted in religion doesn’t mean it should go unquestioned. Blind faith must never supersede rational thought and compassion. So, let’s challenge these baseless religious justifications and focus on building a world that emphasizes equality, understanding, and genuine humanity.

Whether we’re discussing politics, society, or religion, our message should always boil down to a simple and powerful essence – think for yourself. We mustn’t surrender to groupthink, dogmas, or manipulation. We must anchor ourselves in empathy, critical thinking, and a genuine desire to foster harmony among all people.

In our quest for a better world, it’s paramount that we scrutinize the motivations behind our actions and beliefs. Supporting Israel, or any cause for that matter, should be based on principles of justice, equality, and empathy. Religion, while influential and personal to many, cannot provide the sole justification for actions that lead to suffering, oppression, and destruction.

Let’s embark on a journey of introspection, where we question the narratives fed to us and demand a higher standard of evidence. Faith can enlighten and inspire, but it should never be exploited as a means to justify harming others. Together, let’s envision a world guided by reason, compassion, and an unwavering commitment to justice. That, my friends, is the path to truly supporting Israel, or any cause, in a manner that aligns with the values we hold dear.

Kumbirai Thierry Nhamo is a Zimbabwean Social Justice Activist, writer and political commentator. He can be contacted on 0780022343 or via his email kumbiraithierryn@gmail.com 


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    Nyoni 2 weeks ago

    There was a time before 1948 the state of Palestine existed . Mind you prior the British Occupation of Palestine it was there years before and everyone lived in peace. Yes religious freedom existed between the Arabs and Jews. The history lesson is there so simple google it. Now who do you think gave Palestine away in 1948 . You guessed it the English and allies via the UN. They were the main signatories to the formation of the state of Isreal thus taking away the land and rights of the Palestinians. All sounds familiar to us Zimbabweans don’t you think. This issue has been going on since 1948 and wars were fought to get the land back. Ironically Zimbabwe fully supported Palestine when the OAU now AU was around. Today religion is thrown in but if you go back to the crusades the saying “Onwards Christian Soldiers”comes to mind. Who is the Western countries and their proxies truly fighting against. Yes Politics is a dirty game and the plan to divide the Middle East was created way back but enforced in 1948 with the creation of the state of Isreal.My free take on the topic , you are free to have yours.

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    Kalulu 2 weeks ago

    Thanks so much for articulating your views on the war between Israel and Hamas. I am not sure how religion comes into this. There has been ongoing wars between the Arabs surrounding Israel and Israel particularly with Palestinians. The most recent war was triggered by the invasion and of killing innocent civilians and a few soldiers and taking hostages of both soldiers and mostly innocent Israelis by Hamas which was not provoked. So in my view Israel had and still has every right to defend itself by taking whatever steps they deem necessary.

    On the issue of civilians being killed in this war, it is an open secret that Hamas hide in civilians as their human shields which makes it difficult for Israel soldiers to target Hamas without civilians being caught up. Hamas should stand their ground if they are men enough to fight the Isaraelis and not hiding among people, not hiding in hospitals. They do this with the assumption that the Israelis would be seen by the world including yourself as if they are targeting civilians which does not appear to be the case.

    That is my view and I stand to be corrected and criticised.